

WaPo Tachyons CSS Framework

WaPo offers a CSS framework for rapid development with our design system standards in mind! Inspired by tachyons (opens in a new tab) the framework is a utility class-based approach to writing minimal CSS. Check out the docs (opens in a new tab) or the source code for sample usage.


Import the global framework:

import "@washingtonpost/tachyons-css/dist/index.css";

Use to your heart's content ❤️:

<a href="bold blue hover-underline">CSS is awesome</a>


  1. Create a new branch from main.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Please use conventional commits for commit messages. (opens in a new tab). We use this to create the correct version for our package. Thank you.
  4. Submit your changes as a pull request or a fork.
  5. Ask for a review from a team mate and one person from the "@washingtonpost/wpds" team.
  6. A core team member will merge your code.
  7. A core team member will help you create a release.

Releasing to NPM Production/Latest Channel

Push or merge your change into the "main" git branch. We have a Github actions workflow that takes care of releasing your code to NPM.